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In this paper, we delve into the topic of forward and inversion of electromagnetic fields in geophysics. Geophysics is a vast and diverse field that explores a range of geological processes, and the electromagnetic field is one of the most significant research tools in this domain. Forward and inversion are two crucial methods commonly employed in geophysics, playing a pivotal role in the processing and analysis of geophysical data. These methods hold significant importance in the context of geological exploration, environmental monitoring, resource extraction, and a range of other related fields. This paper provides an overview of the theoretical basis, algorithm development, and application areas of electromagnetic field forward and inversion in geophysics. We delve into the various techniques and methodologies employed in these processes, their strengths and limitations, and the current research status. Additionally, we also highlight some of the significant challenges and issues that need to be addressed in future research.
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Jia Liu. Application of Electromagnetic Field Forward and Inversion in Geophysics. OAJRC Applied Physics, 2023, 5(1), 7-12.
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